It’s not just that Democrat Presidential nominee and San Francisco progressive Kamala Harris snubbed every Jew in America and pandered to the anti-Semites within her party and beyond by not selecting Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate.

But her choice of Minnesota governor Tim Walz has sent a message that under this team, destructive radical woke ideologies and diversity are the priority over a safe, economically stable and well-functioning United States. 

So much for tackling divisiveness. Harris, with her pick, threw more gasoline on the fire.

This is despite a cringeworthy video Tuesday in which the two — who appear to be soulmates when it comes to their ideology — claim they intend to unify the country.

Shapiro is not just Jewish but reportedly the better candidate.

It is clear that Harris picked Walz over Shapiro to pacify the Jew-hating squad in her party. The legacy media will never admit that. Still, openly anti-Semitic members like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, Jamaal Bowman and other Israel haters were quick to applaud the pick.

She has shown her true colours by refusing to attend Bibi Netanyahu’s recent speech to Congress, taking a page from the Barack Obama playbook.

CNN commentator Van Jones claimed the pick appeals to the darker parts of the Democratic party:

Anti-Semites here in Canada echoed the same nonsense about Shapiro’s ties to Israel.

The legacy Canadian media painted Walz as a “folksy progressive” governor from the heartland — with white Midwestern values — leaving out all the reasons he’s easily considered a far-left nut bar.

Folksy, my foot.

I have a dear friend who lives in Minneapolis and the first thing she said to me Tuesday was that at least they were getting rid of him as governor — a governor who caters to all the “useful idiots on the left.”

One might note that Walz first coined the term “weird” for Trump.

He’s already being called “Bernie Sanders in hunting gear.”

Let’s talk about what the former schoolteacher turned politician did during violent BLM riots that set Minneapolis ablaze, burned down a police station and led to widespread looting and vandalism in the wake of the George Floyd death.

Reports say about 1,000 properties were torched and vandalized and at least 100 destroyed.

He did not call in police. He did not protect his citizens. According to reports he waited three long days to bring in the National Guard, stating that the protesters needed space to express their fury.

He later admitted his lack of action and the city’s response was an “abject failure.”

During COVID he created a mask mandate and a snitch hotline to allow people to report neighbours who weren’t social distancing.

Over that same period Walz and his education department administrators completely dropped the ball on what has been called the Feeding our Future case, reportedly the largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the U.S.

Some 70 Minnesotans were charged in the $250-million fraud scheme which exploited two programs that were supposed to deliver nutritious food to needy children during COVID. 

Instead it is reported that the perpetrators used the funds to purchase luxury cars, houses, jewelry and resort properties.

A total of five of seven defendants were found guilty in the first trial in early June. Another 18 have pled guilty.

Walz signed a bill protecting the rights of minor LGBTQ Minnesotans and those from other states to receive gender-affirming care — turning Minnesota into a “trans refuge state.” He put into law an order to put tampons in every public school washroom — male or female.

He is such a fan of open borders and giving undocumented immigrants all kinds of services and rights, he signed a bill last year allowing undocumented immigrants to get a driver’s license.

Walz has legalized recreational marijuana for adults and signed a bill banning police chokeholds and neck restraints.

According to Newsweek, Minneapolis has been known for years as “Little Mogadishu” but Walz has not plugged the tap of migants coming into the state.

Under the radical governor’s reign, Newsweek says the once safe state has become a “war zone” with violent homicides up 71%.

His ideology has led to the decline in the state of Minnesota, just like in progressively-run states such as Harris’s home state of California and cities like Seattle and Portland.

The radical duo now want to spread their progressive rot right across the country.

In many ways they have the media in their pockets.

It will be fascinating to watch from Canada especially considering we have a Prime MInister who has spread the same woke rot across this country, who has enabled the rise in anti-Semitism and considering that Canadian cities in decline (Toronto included) are headed by far left socialists like Walz.

We also have the same kind of  legacy media in Canada who prop up the Liberal agenda and foment hate against Conservatives.

It will be an interesting exercise to see if American voters cut through the noise and vote with their heads, not their hearts.


  • Sue-Ann Levy

    A two-time investigative reporting award winner and nine-time winner of the Toronto Sun’s Readers Choice award for news writer, Sue-Ann Levy made her name for advocating the poor, the homeless, the elderly in long-term care and others without a voice and for fighting against the striking rise in anti-Semitism and the BDS movement across Canada.

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