On Day 25 of the Truckers for Freedom Convoy, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau accused a Jewish Conservative of “standing with people who wave swastikas,” politicians and journalists began doxxing Freedom Convoy donors and GiveSendGo demanded the FBI investigate the hacking of their site. 

During Question Period today, Trudeau accused Conservatives of “standing with those who wave swastikas” after Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman chastised the Prime Minister for his rhetoric toward unvaccinated Canadians.

Lantsman, who is Jewish and the descendant of Holocaust survivors, asked when Trudeau’s attitude towards people he disagreed with had changed.

“The Conservatives can stand with people who wave swastikas, they can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag,” Trudeau replied. “We will choose to stand with Canadians who deserve to be able to get to their jobs, to get their lives back. These illegal protests need to stop.”

Conservatives were outraged over Trudeau’s comments, and speaker Anthony Rota had to remind the Prime Minister not to use “inflammatory” language in the House of Commons. 

“I just want to remind the honourable members – including the Right Honourable Prime Minister –  to use words that are not inflammatory in the House,” Rota said. 

Conservative MP Dane Lloyd shredded Trudeau over his comments and demanded that he apologize to all members of the House.

“Mr. Speaker, I’ve never heard such shameful and dishonorable remarks from this prime minister,” Lloyd began. “For the prime minister to accuse anyone in this house of standing with the swastika is shameful. I’m giving the prime minister an opportunity – I’m calling on him to unreservedly apologize for this shameful remark.”

Trudeau has offered no apology.

In the wake of the illegal Givesendgo donor list hack on Sunday and Monday, journalists and establishment figures began celebrating the doxxing of names and information posted to social media.

Trudeau’s former principal secretary Gerald Butts retweeted a thread by an account that was publishing the names of donors, their place of employment or their school. 

Ottawa city councilor Matthieu Fleury posted the names of convoy donors to Twitter, including a retired City of Ottawa employee. 

CTV anchor Graham Richardson publicly stated that he was contacting individuals who donated to the Givesendgo and that he would be publishing their names once they “have confirmed that they donated.”

Ottawa Citizen editor Blair Crawford wrote an article doxxing an ice cream shop owner in downtown Ottawa. The ice cream shop owner was forced to shut down her business today due to threats of violence and pressure from social media.

Frank Magazine Atlantic began publishing the names and photos of donors, including the doxxing of an Afghan war veteran and his wife.

In response to the hack, Givesendgo which operates out of Boston, Massachusetts has formally requested that the FBI investigate the illegal hack of their website and company data.

GiveSendGo Founder Jacob Wells told Fox News on Wednesday that the attack on the website was a “well-orchestrated” political doxxing campaign.

“This is illegal, and these people should be going to jail,” Wells said. “The FBI…it’s surprising that we haven’t heard from any investigative services. We will be reaching out ourselves to just see that there’s some investigation into this. This is completely unacceptable.” 

Meanwhile, a Canadian hacker and self described “cyber-terrorist” claimed responsibility for the hack on a very bizarre Tiktok livestream.

“Yes, I doxxed the truckers! I did it, it was me! I hacked GiveSendGo baby and I’d do it again! I’d do it a hundred times!” the hacker – named ‘Cottle’ – said to his audience. “Come at me. What are you going to do? What are you going to do to me, huh?”

Back in Ottawa, police delivered notices to protesters and media that everyone involved in the freedom demonstration must leave the scene immediately. 

The notice read, “Anyone blocking the streets or assisting others in blocking the streets are committing a criminal offense and you may be arrested…The people of Ottawa are being denied the lawful use, enjoyment and operation of their property and you are causing businesses to close. That is mischief under the Criminal Code.”

Police were seen delivering these notices to truckers along Wellington Street today.

Members of the media were also spotted receiving the notice from Ottawa police.

This was the full notice.

The Givesendgo set up by the Truckers for Freedom Convoy organizers had reached USD $9,505,827 by the time this article was published.


  • Harrison Faulkner

    Harrison Faulkner is the host of Ratio'd and co-host of Fake News Friday. He is also a journalist and producer for True North based in Toronto. Twitter: @Harry__Faulkner

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