It’s Fake News Friday with Andrew Lawton and Harrison Faulkner!

In Canada, travellers on commercial trains are still required by law to wear a mask at all times. However, if you’re the prime minister participating in a photo-op on a train, no mask is needed. Does that make sense to you? Probably not but as Canadians have been told since the start of the pandemic – trust Trudeau’s ever-changing Covid science!

Plus, Joe Rogan blasts Trudeau, calling him a “creepy dictator” and of course, the Tru-Anon gang comes to the defence of Canada’s prime minister.

The state broadcaster gives Canadians some timely financial advice as inflation hits a record-high 8.1% – just ask for a raise or get a better job. Stop being poor, obviously.

And finally – for the low price of $58, you can dismantle white supremacy by buying a box of vegetables.

Tune into Fake News Friday!


  • Andrew Lawton

    Andrew Lawton is the managing editor of True North and host of The Andrew Lawton Show. He is the author of two bestselling books, including his most recent work, "Pierre Poilievre: A Political Life."