The controversial education director of the Waterloo Region District School Board began the new year with a series of tweets inviting all who follow him to join what I’d describe as the quickly evolving Oppression Cult.
Jeewan Chanicka – a long-time activist who appears to have turned the WRDSB into a social justice experiment – suggests in New Year’s Instagram posts (and protected Tweets) a series of ways social justice warriors like him “can pull people in” for what he calls #crossracialsolidarity.
He also asks that people come with ESP, which I take to mean extrasensory perception.
When Chanicka discovered that certain journalists were reading his New Year’s tweets, he protected them and turned to Instagram to publicly preach his dogma.
The tweets are still on his webpage where he tells his followers that because of the “trolls” and his current settings (protected) they won’t be able to retweet his thoughts.
He invites people to screenshot and share them. I have taken his advice.

He offers nine separate pearls of wisdom to “unlearn” colonization and to help with the healing of oppressed black, racialized and Indigenous people.
“Rediscover your authentic self,” he says in his first post, noting that sometimes even Indigenous, Black and Racialized (IBR) folx – he spells it this way – uphold forms of oppression within their own “affinity spaces” (areas where people of the same interests gather).
His next piece of advice tells people to “commit to ongoing learning” of the #BurdenoftheOppressed.

“Stop asking us to do all the labour to teach you,” he writes. Chanicka says people should “commit to action” and not stop when it gets hard.
“You have to work to build your #resiliency,” he writes, his musings chock full of hashtags and woke jargon.
He also advises aspiring cult members to commit to affinity spaces where his followers can learn and heal and to commit to centering #Indigenous #Black #racialized voices in “other forms of oppression.”
“We are routinely used to people taking our work and the credit for our work…,” he insists.

Chanicka advises people to “show up” when “#IBR” people need them instead of just sending them private messages like “we support you.”
He also asks his (presumably white) followers to commit to their own healing because colonization has hurt them – not just IBR folx.
“You need to have affinity spaces where you work to do your own healing,” he writes, adding that this helps with cross-racial solidarity.

Under the final section in which he asks those reading his crazy posts to commit to “collective transformation,” he claims we (the collective we) are at a “critical crossroads” in history.
“We have a chance to be good ancestors right now,” he writes. “BE a good ancestor – NOW.”

Both his Twitter and Instagram feeds are under his name – he does not have a separate WRDSB account – and he appears to blur the lines between his day job, his activism and a slew of at times unprofessional pictures of himself.
A few days ago, he posted an Instagram selfie of him dancing in an elevator after a gym workout.
Like the board’s leftist trustees, he is quick to block anyone who challenges his point of view. He has cried at board meetings insisting that those who don’t understand oppression or trans ideology are hateful and last year hosted a menstrual health day video in which he declared that men can menstruate.
After reading and re-reading this latest self-serving nonsense, I was left with several thoughts.
This is Critical Race Theory at its finest for those who insist it’s not being taught in Ontario schools.
As I’ve said before, it has absolutely nothing to do with teaching kids basic literacy, math and science skills to give them a chance at success in life.
I find his narcissistic and preachy commentary a load of bunk – laughable even.
But for those who are easily indoctrinated by the woke mob, Chanicka borders on dangerous.
We don’t need to commit to unlearning or the ongoing learning of the #BurdenoftheOppressed.
That very hashtag makes my hair stand on end because it encourages those Chanicka thinks are oppressed to remain perennial victims and not take responsibility for their own lives.
His job as education director is to provide a quality education experience, not to gaslight his students into feeling guilty if they don’t fall into his targeted oppression groups.
The trouble is, these activist directors have taken over some of Ontario’s largest school boards and are spreading their harmful dogma.
Most parents don’t have time to comb Chanicka’s social media feeds to see what crazy tweets or Instagram comments he’s posted. And they don’t pay enough attention to school board meetings.
But they need to and sooner rather than later. Their childrens’ futures may depend on it.