Alberta’s 31st election is officially underway and the United Conservative Party is promising Albertans that a reelected government will implement a flood of tax relief measures. 

Alberta chief electoral officer Glen Resler confirmed late Monday morning that writs were issued to administer Alberta’s 31st provincial election. 

“We are excited to welcome Albertans back to the polls this month,” Resler said in a statement.

“Returning Officers have been appointed, and we are in the process of recruiting and training nearly 20,000 Election Officers to conduct voting in the 87 electoral divisions across the province.”

Later that morning, UCP leader Danielle Smith announced that her re-elected government would create a new 8% tax bracket on income under $60,000. Under the new policy, every Albertan earning $60,000 or more will save $760, with savings of up to $1,500 per family.  

Albertans earning less than $60,000 will see a 20% reduction to their provincial tax bill under this tax cut.

Smith said the announcement would cost the treasury around $1 billion. 

“At its heart, this election is a choice between moving forward or going back, between embracing forward looking policies to grow the economy, generate new opportunities, make life more affordable, or returning to the costly failed policies of the NDP,” Smith said.

“For the sake of hundreds of thousands of families across Alberta we can’t afford to go back. And with Albertans’ support, we won’t.” 

A re-elected UCP government would also extend the Fuel Tax Holiday until the end of the year and continue to index all tax brackets to keep up with inflation.

Albertans are currently saving 13 cents per a litre at the pump through the fuel tax policy. 

The party has already signed the No Tax Hike Guarantee, a pledge not to increase personal or business taxes. It also announced a reelected UCP government would formalize the guarantee by expanding the Taxpayer Protection Act to ensure no future government can increase personal or business taxes without first getting approval from Albertans in a referendum. 

Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley will also kick off the election campaign in Calgary later on Monday.


  • Rachel Parker

    Rachel is a seasoned political reporter who’s covered government institutions from a variety of levels. A Carleton University journalism graduate, she was a multimedia reporter for three local Niagara newspapers. Her work has been published in the Toronto Star. Rachel was the inaugural recipient of the Political Matters internship, placing her at The Globe and Mail’s parliamentary bureau. She spent three years covering the federal government for iPolitics. Rachel is the Alberta correspondent for True North based in Edmonton.