Schools across Canada have incorporated gender ideology in their curriculums, teaching young students about pronouns, transitioning and LGBTQ lifestyles. Many believe this is inappropriate for children and that gender ideology has no place in schools, including many parents of the Muslim faith.
In the last few months, Muslim parents have organized and participated in protests against gender ideology being taught in schools. In addition, many Muslim students have refused to participate in pride events being held in their schools.
The left and the legacy media have been highly critical of Muslims who are taking a stand against gender ideology. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau even lectured Muslims, accusing them of being manipulated by “the American right wing.” But what’s really behind their opposition? What pushed them to finally speak out?
Former mayoral candidate for Toronto Bahira Abdulsalam and concerned parent Kamal El-Cheikh joined The Rupa Subramanya Show to discuss their concerns. Tune in now!