
Lawyer David McKenzie won the Conservative nomination race in Calgary Signal Hill, following a race so tight that the results following a recount. 

“I am deeply honoured to be selected as the Conservative Party of Canada candidate in Calgary Signal Hill. I have had the opportunity to meet so many of you in the past year and a half, and I am inspired by the level of tenacity and passion in our community. Thank you for the trust you have placed in me,” wrote McKenzie in a statement

It was initially announced that former MLA Jeremy Nixon won the race by a single vote, however, a recount by the Calgary Signal Hill Conservative Electoral District Association gave McKenzie a win by seven votes.  

“I am thrilled to have been chosen as your Conservative Party Candidate,” said Nixon before the recount. “Thank you to all my supporters, my hardworking volunteers, and my beautiful family.” 

It was a very tight race, something that McKenzie noted as he thanked the other candidates, commending them on their hard work and saying that they “all fought honourable campaigns.”

McKenzie went on to say that he looked forward to continuing to work with them to “support grassroots conservative politics in Calgary Signal Hill.”

“While I will have more to say to my fellow party members in the days ahead, for now I want to simply thank you for your time and your engagement in this process,” continued the statement. 

“Calgary Signal Hill is a flagship riding in Canada for our party, and you have my commitment to offer our riding the leadership it expects and deserves.”  

Conservative MP Ron Liepert, who held the seat for the past nine years, announced that he would not be seeking re-election to the House of Commons last year. 

“I want to thank my constituents for the trust they have placed in me as their Member of Parliament since 2015,” said Liepert in a statement  from February 2023. “It has been a sincere honour to serve.”

Liepert congratulated McKenzie following his nomination win. 
