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A Canadian citizen was shot dead by the Israeli military after he attempted a terror stabbing in southern Israel.

The attempted attack comes as Canada continues to make headlines around the world for its frequent pro-Hamas protests.

“A terrorist arrived at the gate of Netiv Ha’Asara, got out of his vehicle and threatened the soldiers of the Netiv Ha’Asara’s standby squad with a knife,” the IDF said in a statement Monday. “The fighters responded by firing and neutralized the terrorist. There were no casualties to our forces.”

They added, “we emphasize that the suspect is a foreign citizen who arrived at the scene from Israel and not from the Gaza Strip.”

Reports have identified him as either Adam Qawarshi or Qawarshi Adam, a Muslim Canadian. 

The suspect had a Canadian passport on him, and reportedly entered Israel on Sunday with a tourist visa and rented a car for two weeks before immediately heading to the IDF outpost

According to Israeli media, he screamed, “Free Palestine” and “You’re killing civilians in Gaza!” before he was shot by the IDF.

Netiv Ha’Asara is a moshav community in Israel located near the Gaza strip.

The moshavim were targeted by Hamas fighters as part of the terrorist group’s bloody Oct. 7 attack. Twenty-two individuals were killed at Netiv Ha’Asara on Oct. 7.

Reacting to the news, Jewish group B’nai Brith Canada called on the Canadian government to take “immediate action” to protect Canadians from similar acts of violence. 

“Although this heinous act took place in Israel, the attacker had only just arrived from Canada, meaning it could have easily happened here at home,” said B’nai Brith. 

“This disturbing incident highlights the urgent need for the Canadian government to address and prevent the spread of extremism and terrorism on our soil. The government must take immediate action to protect Canadian values and ensure our country does not become a breeding ground for such violence”

Since the Oct. 7 terror attacks, Canada has been plagued by radical pro-Hamas activism and protests. Hateful and violent messages have been seen and heard at numerous pro-Palestinian protests in Canada.

Pro-Hamas protesters in Ottawa and Vancouver praised the Oct. 7 attacks, while marchers across the country often praise the Palestinian Intifada and call for a global Intifada. 

Pro-Hamas protesters have also praised Yemeni Houthis terrorists. 

Hamas, Taliban and Islamic Republic of Iran flags have also been seen at pro-Palestinian protests.

For most of the summer, the campuses of several prominent Canadian universities, including the University of Toronto, McGill University and the University of Ottawa, were occupied by radical anti-Israel encampments – which were also home to hateful and pro-terror messages, as well as lessons on “Islamic Resistance.”
