Source: Facebook

The Conservative Party of Canada released a one-two-punch of attack ads against NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, warning Canadians that they are paying the price for Singh propping up the Liberals.

The party released the first video of the ad campaign on Tuesday, labelling Jagmeet Singh as “Sellout Singh.”

“The Conservative Party of Canada is launching a cross-country ad campaign pointing out Jagmeet Singh’s hypocrisy for delaying the election so he can qualify for a pension and continue living his luxury lifestyle on the taxpayers’ dime,” said the party in a press release.

The first 30-second ad flips through a fictional virtual magazine featuring Singh titled “Luxury Pensioner Monthly.” 

“Jagmeet Singh sold you out and signed on with Trudeau in a costly coalition to raise taxes, crime, and housing costs,” wrote Poilievre in his post to X. “Sellout Singh gets his pension, and you pay the price.”

MPs are eligible for a pension after six years of service.

Despite being elected as the NDP leader in 2017, Singh did not become a Member of Parliament for Burnaby South until Feb. 25, 2019. He was re-elected on Oct. 21, 2019. 

Therefore, Singh will be eligible to receive a pension if he serves until Feb. 2025. 

The video cited the Toronto Sun’s previous article, showing calculations made by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, which indicated that Singh’s pension would be worth $2.3 million if he lives until the age of 90. The total pension is paid out annually and would be worth over $45,000 per year by the time Singh turns 55. By the age of 60, the yearly payout would rise to $54,000 per year.

Singh and the NDP previously agreed to prop up the Liberal government in exchange for addressing their key priorities in Mar. 2022.

True North previously reported that Singh said he would not form another coalition with the Liberals after the next election because he expects to become the next Prime Minister.

The Conservatives’ attack ad also criticized Singh for driving a BMW, owning and wearing two Rolex watches, and his previous controversy for sporting a Versace bag, and attending a private school with an annual tuition of $26,000 to $34,000 USD. 

Text on one of the magazine’s pages where Singh and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are shaking hands reads “Raising taxes, crime, housing costs.”

“But now he’s got a problem. He needs to delay the election till next year, when he qualifies for his $2 million pension. So he sold you out,” said the first video’s commentator. 

“Sellout Singh. He gets his pension. You pay the price,” concluded the first video.

The second video of the ad campaign was released on Wednesday. It was entitled “Why Jagmeet Singh is keeping Justin Trudeau in power.”

The video made several claims, accompanied by news articles as citations throughout. The video claimed that Singh was voting with Trudeau to increase the carbon tax, double rent, double mortgage costs, and unleash crime and chaos on Canadian streets.

“Jagmeet Singh. He gets his pension. Trudeau gets power, and you pay the price,” it concluded.

True North reached out to Singh for comment but received no reply. 
