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The Royal Canadian Mounted Police charged an Ontario man for allegedly uttering threats against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an online video.

According to RCMP, the 33-year-old man allegedly “posted an on-line video making violent threats towards the Prime Minister, the Police and any security personnel who might attempt to interfere with his plans.”

RCMP’s Integrated National Security Enforcement Team in the Greater Toronto Area opened an investigation after becoming aware of the alleged threats.

Once identified, Dawid Zalewski, 33, of no fixed address was taken into custody and charged with two counts of uttering threats.

“The RCMP GTA INSET and York Regional Police were able to swiftly locate and arrest this individual, resulting in the reduced risk to the Prime Minister, other police officers, and to the public. I am grateful for the collaboration with our policing partners to advance this investigation.” said Supt. James Parr, Officer-in-Charge, GTA/SW INSET in a press release.

Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc said that security and law enforcement officials have been exercising increased vigilance in the wake of the assassination attempt on U.S.-presidential candidate Donald Trump last month. 

The incident comes a little over a month after Liberal MP and former Justice Minister Marco Mendicino was also spit on by an angry pedestrian during an Ottawa street interaction in June.

Additionally, two Alberta men were charged with uttering threats against Trudeau and other Canadian political leaders last month. 

“We are aware of the heightened security environment for public officials and the danger this presents for all Canadians. Our number one priority has been, and will always be, the safety and security of Canadians,” said the RCMP in a press release.

True North contacted the RCMP for further information on the case, however, they said “as this case is now before the courts, the RCMP will not be sharing any further details.”

“The security environment in which public figures operate continues to evolve both within Canada and abroad, and we recognize this is a time for increased vigilance,” an RCMP spokesperson told True North. 

“The level of protection and/or nature of security measures are determined by the RCMP, based on the latest risk and threat assessments, ongoing security considerations and a number of other factors.”

The Prime Minister’s Office did not reply to True North’s request for comment.
