Source: Toronto Police Services

Police unions across Canada are refuting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s latest claim that the Liberal government’s handgun freeze has enhanced public safety. 

Trudeau celebrated two years since introducing the handgun freeze on Monday, claiming that the policy has ended the purchase, sale and transfer of handguns in Canada.

“We choose your safety over the gun lobby — every time,” he said.

However, the post quickly resulted in a flurry of responses from police unions and gun experts, calling out Trudeau for misleading Canadians.

For example, the Toronto Police Association said that “criminals did not get your message,” highlighting that the communities policed by union members have seen a 45% increase in shootings and a 62% increase in gun-related homicides compared to last year.

“What difference does your handgun ban make when 85% of guns seized by our members can be sourced to the United States?” asked the association. “Your statement is out of touch and offensive to the victims of crime and police officers everywhere. Whatever you think you’ve done to improve community safety, has not worked.”

Edmonton’s police chief previously warned that the handgun ban could increase trafficking. 

In a record gun bust, Peel Regional Police reported that 97% of seized firearms were smuggled from the United States.

Former police officer and Conservative candidate Ron Chhinzer said that in his entire career, neither he nor a colleague had seized a lawfully owned firearm from a criminal. 

Previous data released by the Toronto Police Service highlighted that shootings had increased by almost 70%, and deaths from gun crime were more than doubled. 

Following the Toronto Police Association’s reply to Trudeau, which had accrued nearly two million views by Wednesday, other unions decided to join in.

The Surrey Police Union also replied directly to Trudeau’s post. 

“The federal handgun freeze fails to address the real issue: the surge of illegal firearms coming across our borders and ending up in the hands of violent criminals,” wrote the SPU. 

The Vancouver Police Union said that Trudeau must not be aware of the “ongoing gang war” in British Columbia, putting their members and the public at risk daily.

“Where do you think their guns are still coming from and what has he done to stop them?” the union asked. 

The Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights joined in on blasting Trudeau, highlighting the hypocrisy that a ban on lawful handgun owners could somehow make Canadians safer from criminals with illegally smuggled firearms.

“A ridiculous and demonstrably untrue statement easily refuted by police,” wrote the CCFR. “Facts don’t lie, but our PM does.” 

Tracey Wilson, the CCFR’s Vice President of Public Relations, told True North that Trudeau made a fool of himself with his post on X. She added that Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety Jennifer O’Connell made an even more ludicrous statement yesterday: that Conservatives were “using gun lobby talking points,” only to be rebuked by the TPA’s post to X.

“It’s no surprise she may be confused, as law enforcement and the CCFR have been unified in our position that the majority of firearm-related violence is being committed by unlicensed criminals with illegal guns,” said Wilson. “The government’s own data support this.”  

Wilson said that instead of attacking legal firearm owners, the Liberals should focus on securing Canada’s borders against smuggling, hefty sentences for violent and repeat offenders, and investments into law enforcement and community programs. 

“The results are in, and the Liberals’ record on public safety speaks for itself — it’s been a tragic and bloody failure,” she said. 
