The Canadian government finally reopened the Bellevue House National Historic Site in Kingston, Ontario last week and Harrison Faulkner went to go check it out.

To nobody’s surprise, this monument to our nation’s founder is hardly a monument. Instead, it is full of anti-Macdonald and anti-Canadian propaganda. After being closed for six years, the Trudeau government reopened the museum to make sure it complies with Justin Trudeau’s approved version of Canadian history – that we must feel ashamed of ourselves and constantly apologize for historical wrongs.

Faulkner decided to hit the streets of Kingston and speak with locals about what they think of the constant attacks on John A. Macdonald’s legacy.

Watch what they have to say on the latest episode of Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner.


  • Harrison Faulkner

    Harrison Faulkner is the host of Ratio'd and co-host of Fake News Friday. He is also a journalist and producer for True North based in Toronto. Twitter: @Harry__Faulkner

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