Source: X/Facebook

Jesse Johnson, owner of Without Papers Pizza, is 100% certain his lawsuit over his pandemic business closures will win thanks to a “miracle.”

Johnson has launched a $3.6 million lawsuit against Alberta Health Services, the City of Calgary, and former Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw for shutting down his business during COVID-19. 

The lawsuit also seeks a declaration from the defendants that they violated the freedom of speech and liberty rights of Johnson and his business partner, Angelo Contrada. The lawsuit alleges that the governments involved specifically violated sections 2(b) and 7 of the Charter.

The plaintiffs include Johnson, his business partner, and the corporation that owns Without Papers Pizza, Bravo Ltd.

In addition to the $3.6 million for Charter violations against the three plaintiffs, Johnson told True North he’s seeking the valuation of Without Papers Pizza, which grossed $2 million a year, plus accrued interest and legal costs.

“COVID mandates issued by former CMOH Deena Hinshaw were ruled Ultra Vires of the law (meaning they were never lawful), including the immoral and unscientific vaccine passport whose only effectiveness was (to) hate and divide,” Johnson told True North.

“We are suing the City of Calgary, the Province of Alberta, and former AHS CMOH Deena Hinshaw, and we are going to win. It is our hope that our case will set (a) precedent and that Albertans are never medically segregated again,” reads Without Papers Pizza’s website, which redirects visitors to Johnson’s donation page since the business closed.

Without Papers Pizza’s website has three options to donate. People can donate via GiveSendGo, PayPal, and eTransfer. While the latter two’s total sums raised are unknown, the GiveSendGo campaign has raised $21,176 of the $50,000 goal as of Monday morning. Johnson said that all funds raised will go towards legal counsel.

An anonymous donation came in as recently as a few hours ago. “From our small business in Ontario who also fought the tyranny. Just wish we could enjoy your pizza out here,” it reads.

Without Papers Pizza was permanently shut down on Oct. 9, 2021, for refusing to enforce the vaccine passport. The Alberta Court of Kings Bench deemed all mandates issued by Hinshaw illegal on July 31, 2023, including the restriction exemptions program used to justify closing the restaurant.

Johnson was exonerated in Nov. 2023. 

Johnson said that Naheed Nenshi, who’s now running to become leader of the Alberta NDP, has still not been held accountable for the medical segregation he supported.

“He’s still not been held accountable for the reprehensible crime of medical segregation, which I believe is a crime against humanity. He illegally segregated over 400,000 healthy Calgarians,” said Johnson when talking to Mocha Bezirgan.

Before the Ingram decision, Johnson said he saw a 0% chance of being compensated for crimes committed against him. However, now he sees it as certain.

“It was literally a miracle. It went from me having essentially a 0% chance of seeking retribution for the crimes that they’ve committed to, I believe, an 100% chance of me receiving the retribution. I view it literally as a miracle from God,” said Johnson.

The Ingram decision ruled that politicians had breached Alberta’s Public Health Act with the province’s pandemic restrictions. 

Johnson said that his pizza shop had become a place for freedom lovers to visit.

“Hope is more contagious than the virus, and so is courage. I think what I did made a lot of people realize that it’s the people who are the power. And all we need to do is unite together and stand up in defiance of this tyrannical regime,” he said.

However, taking a stand against the regime cost Johnson almost everything he had.

“It cost me everything I loved. It cost me my restaurant. It cost me my other two restaurants that I had in Calgary. It cost me my marriage. It cost me my family. It cost me my houses. It cost me my wealth. It cost me a good portion of my sanity as well… I’ve learned that what they took from me is of no value whatsoever. They cannot take my eternal soul. They cannot take my creativity, and they cannot take my indomitable spirit. There’s nobody that can take that from me, except death itself,” said Johnson.

Without Papers Pizza can now be found in Windermere, British Columbia, under the rebranded POW Pizza. Johnson can be found under the handle @wopizza4, as his previous three accounts have been banned on X.

“I love this country. I love it very much. I think it’s the most beautiful, inspirational, magnificent place in the whole world. We only have a few problems with it, and all of them are sitting in government right now,” concluded Johnson.
