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Lululemon founder Chip Wilson’s battle against David Eby’s BC NDP continues despite continued vandalism of his property as Wilson has placed a third sign outside his Vancouver mansion.

“If Eby and the NDP cannot balance the Provincial budget, what right does he have to tell us how to live our lives?” the sign said.

Activists allegedly vandalized the second sign on his property, prompting the latest edition.

“Voters seem to forget when Eby “gives” us money. It is the voter’s money he has already taken,” the second sign read.

Wilson did not respond to True North’s requests for comment about how many signs the billionaire has loaded up in case of further attacks on his property.

The incident all started when the Lululemon owner placed a sign at his home criticizing the Premier in Eby’s own ridingjust weeks ahead of the scheduled Oct. 19 provincial election.

“Eby will tell you the Conservatives are ‘Far Right’ but neglects saying the NDP is ‘communist,’ the original sign read. 

The sign was vandalized with anti-capitalism messaging at first. 

“This guy lives in a $80,000,000 house earned off the backs of workers,” an activist wrote on the sign. “The system is rigged for the rich; F*&k you Chip.” 

Later additions similarly said messages like “eat the rich.”

By Sunday, the sign, along with some walls and gates on Wilson’s property, were spray-painted with messages like and “F*&k you Chip, You’re a POS” and “Selfish billionaire lives here.”

Vancouver police did not respond to True North’s Wednesday request to comment about the vandalism.

As previously reported by True North, Sgt. Steve Addison said the incident was being investigated at a news conference on Monday.
