The NDP is throwing its support behind Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre’s motion to call on the government to expand its carbon tax pause on all forms of home heating.

NDP House Leader Peter Julian signaled his party’s support for the motion, which will go to a vote next week, in the House of Commons Thursday.

Last month, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a three-year pause on the carbon tax for all homes that heat with oil, which predominantly only affects Atlantic Canadians. The majority of homes in Ontario and Western Canada use natural gas. 

This prompted several premiers to demand an exemption from the Trudeau government’s federal carbon pricing on natural gas and other forms of home heating as well. 

Poilievre also wrote an open letter to Trudeau asking for the exemption to be extended to all forms of home heating, however the government has denied any further exemptions at this time. 

“Given the panicked reaction from the Liberals, seemingly tied to their polling standing in Atlantic Canada, given that the Conservatives for once have actually offered a motion that doesn’t deny climate change, we will be supporting that motion,” said Julian.

On Thursday, Poilievre tabled his motion, “That, given that the government has announced a ‘temporary, three-year pause; to the federal carbon tax on home heating oil, the House call on the government to extend that pause to all forms of home heating.”

The motion does not bind the government to any action Initially, the NDP wanted the motion amended to include the removal of GST from all forms of home heating, however the Conservatives disapproved of the amendment. 

“This is an issue of being the adults in the room,” said Julian. “For once the Conservatives haven’t gone over the top with their motions — they generally tend to do that. And they’ve added they’ve put something that is straight up. We’re going to support that.”

Over the last two days, the Conservatives have been looking for an answer from the NDP as to whether or not they would support the motion, given that many NDPMPs represent remote areas where the cost of home heating has become a concern.

“The NDP leader says he disagrees with the dual class citizenship approach of the prime minister on the carbon tax. I’m giving him a chance to prove it,” said Poilievre in the House of Commons on Thursday.

“Everyday people in Timmins, in Kapuskasing, in Smithers, British Columbia, and in countless other NDP communities will be watching on Monday to find out whether the NDP leader votes for them or the prime minister,” added Poilievre.

Not all NDP MPs are onside with the Conservative leader, however.

NDP MP Charlie Angus called the Conservative motion a political tactic to pit regions against each other.

“They know that if we just take the carbon tax off, it’s not going to mean anything for people in British Columbia, who are still paying heating bills. They’re not covered by the carbon tax because they’re under cap and trade. Neither is Quebec,” said Angus.

According to the National Post, NDP MP Taylor Bachrach disagreed with Angus, citing B.C.’s NDP premier David Eby, who spoke about the importance of giving all Canadians a fair deal earlier this week. 

“I think it is eminently reasonable for people in other provinces and other parts of this country who have been overlooked by this government when it comes to the affordability of home heating to want the same,” said Bachrach.

Trudeau’s critics have said the carbon tax carve-out for oil heating only is politically motivated, as much of his caucus represents regions in Atlantic Canada. However, the Liberals claim that the exemption is about affordability, as oil heating is more expensive than natural gas.

However, many NDP MPs do not buy that framing of the Liberal’s decision.   

“I think most Canadians see this quite clearly for what it is, which is a cynical attempt by a flailing government to save its political hide in the only part of rural Canada, where it has any,” said Bachrach.

“I think what the NDP has done in this Parliament is we continue to be the adults in the room. This decision has been made. That’s a bad one. How do we then make it equitable so that everybody can afford to heat their homes this winter?”

It remains uncertain if the Bloc Quebécois will support the Conservative’s motion as Quebec predominantly uses hydroelectricity for heating and, therefore, won’t necessarily benefit from a carbon tax removal. 

No Liberal MPs have yet stated that they would vote against their own party on the motion.
