Tuesday, March 25, 2025

What was the biggest fake news story of 2021?

In her latest Podcast, Candice Malcolm runs through the five biggest fake news stories of 2021. And now she wants to know which you think the biggest one was! Have your say below – Candice will be announcing the results on her next show.

The candidates:

1. "Unmarked graves"

The legacy media’s false narrative surrounding unmarked graves found at residential schools

When it comes to the coverage of graves identified near residential schools in First Nations communities this year, the legacy media in Canada did a tremendous disservice to all Canadians – especially First Nations. They created a moral panic and fanned the flames of racial division -- statues were toppled and over 65 churches were either burnt down or vandalized.

2. Vaccines and moving goal posts

The media, politicians and public health “experts” mislead Canadians into thinking vaccinations would end the pandemic

We were told time and time again that once Canadians were vaccinated, things would return to normal -- no more lockdowns, no more mask mandates, no more capacity limits, etc. Lo and behold -- while the majority of Canadians have been vaccinated, we’re still in this pandemic and the same “experts” who told us to get vaccinated are still enforcing public health restrictions. In fact, the vaccines we took are apparently less effective against the new variant of COVID. As if you needed another reason to not trust the government.

3. Anti-lockdown protesters / PPC supporters are “extreme”

The legacy media and leftist politicians demonize pro-freedom protesters

As governments across Canada implemented vaccine passports and mandates, thousands of people took to the streets to take part in peaceful protests. Instead of reporting on how many Canadians opposed the government’s heavy-handed policies, the media and politicians decided to demonize all protesters and critics of the government instead -- even going as far as accusing protesters of being “far-right.” Despite the media and leftist politicians’ treatment of pro-freedom protesters, thousands of Canadians continue to take part in protests across the country.

4. Kyle Rittenhouse

The false narrative about Kyle Rittenhouse.

When a jury found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of murder for fatally shooting two men and injuring a third last year during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, politicians and the legacy media lost their collective minds. They portrayed Rittenhouse as a vigilante, a white supremacist, someone who gunned down innocent black men during a Black Lives Matter protest. They said he used an illegal firearm, that he crossed state lines and basically that he travelled to Kenosha for the sole intent of killing people.

5. Legacy media playing defence for Trudeau during election

The legacy media parrot Liberal talking points throughout the election.

Erin O’Toole wants to bring US-style healthcare to Canada!!! ...or at least that’s what the Liberals and the legacy media continuously told voters during the 2021 election. As Justin Trudeau’s polling numbers declined during the election, the Liberals got desperate and started a campaign of fear and misinformation -- and the legacy media were happy to play along. Despite the Conservative platform promising more funding for Canada’s public healthcare system, that didn’t stop the Liberals and their friends in the media from accusing O’Toole of wanting to end public healthcare for Canadians.