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Job creation not keeping up with growing workforce as unemployment reaches 6.1%

Canada is seeing an explosion of people joining the workforce but there aren’t enough jobs to employ all of the new workers.

Smith tells carbon tax protesters not to stop traffic

People upset with the federal carbon tax should feel free to protest – but don’t block traffic.

Pakistani flight attendant arrested in Toronto carrying multiple passports

A Pakistani flight attendant who disappeared after arriving in Canada earlier this year has been arrested in Toronto while carrying multiple passports. Her arrest comes on the heels of at least eight flight attendants disappearing in Toronto after landing on flights from Pakistan International Airlines.

Four premiers want to make case for axing carbon tax hike before a federal...

At least four Canadian premiers are requesting an audience with the House of Commons finance committee to urge the federal government to axe the carbon tax increase coming into effect Monday.

Protesters stand with Take Back Alberta founder at Elections Alberta demonstration

Supporters of Take Back Alberta braved the cold weather and persistent snowfall as they descended on Elections Alberta’s Edmonton headquarters to rally behind the organization’s founder.

Auditor general’s office employees fired for not disclosing government freelancing

Two employees working for Canada’s auditor general have been fired for not disclosing money they received through government contracts, with a third now under police investigation.

Quebec teens being rushed into gender transitions, CBC investigation finds

Young teens in Quebec dealing with gender dysphoria are being rushed into irreversible gender transitions, despite activist claims to the contrary.

Saskatchewan will no longer send carbon tax funds to Ottawa

The Saskatchewan government has officially refused to send Ottawa federal carbon levy funds from natural gas after promising taxpayers relief. 

The Daily Brief | Who is GC Strategies?

GC Strategies was handpicked by the Liberal government to oversee the failed ArriveCan application. It was revealed on Wednesday that the firm has accumulated $258 million in federal contracts over the course of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s time in office. Tune into The Daily Brief.

Four charged after armed standoff leaves three officers wounded

Four people are facing charges related to drugs and firearms after an armed-and-barricaded standoff took place in the north end of Winnipeg over the weekend. 

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