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Toronto mayoral candidates offer varying solutions to solve drug and addiction crisis

Major cities across the country, including Toronto, have seen an exponential increase in the number of deaths from opioid overdoses. In 2022, Toronto saw 506 deaths from opioid overdoses, a 269% increase compared to 2015’s 137 opioid overdose deaths.  

National Citizens Inquiry hears from unvaxxed CAF members

During the pandemic, unvaccinated members of the CAF who did not receive exemptions or accommodations for the Covid-19 vaccine faced serious consequences for their careers.

Former Alberta Emergency Management Officer slams government’s Covid response

“Public Health should never have been in charge of the pandemic management. They are part of the team of course – but Public Health never manages an emergency," David Redman said during the National Citizens' Inquiry.

BONOKOSKI: The role of sureties in Canada’s revolving door justice system

"In all the recent talk around solving the 'revolving door justice system,' one of the few approaches never discussed are the bail bondsmen."

GUEST OP-ED: Ontario school strike may see bigger public backlash than expected

"While in years past these workers might have hoped for automatic support from parents, the public and the mainstream media, they may find out that 2022 is a tough time to ask for sympathy – or money."

Todd Loewen wants investigation into civil servants’ Covid bonuses

Loewen wrote to the Auditor General on Thursday requesting an investigation and a performance audit completed on the Government of Alberta's budget for fiscal year 2021-22, focusing on the 107 cash bonuses awarded to government officials and ministry staff.

B.C. dentist defying vaccine mandate calls it “the hill I’m willing to die on”

Robert Johnson of Salmon Arm, B.C also announced that he intends to run in the next provincial election, saying that the way the government has handled the Covid pandemic shows that things need to be turned around.

Cryptocurrencies are on everybody’s mind, but what are they?

True North’s crypto explainer series will help you navigate the cryptocurrency discourse by defining frequently used terms in the clearest way possible.

Vancouver councillor wants “decolonial and anti-racist” community policing

Vancouver councillor Pete Fry wants the city to adopt a “decolonial and anti-racist” community policing model. 

Reliance on Toronto’s food banks reaches critical level: report

According to an annual report released by Daily Bread Food Bank and North York Harvest on Monday, Toronto food banks saw visits go up by 47% in 2021 compared to last year. The number of visits in 2021 was 1.5 times higher than the previous record set in 2010 in the aftermath of the Great Recession. 

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