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Canada’s national security review agency examining case of New York bomb plotter

Abdulrahman El Bahnasawi’s arrest came after an FBI and RCMP investigation found he was communicating with ISIS co-conspirators to attack various sites in New York

Terrorist who plotted to bomb New York City appealing his 40-year sentence

Abdulrahman El-Bahnasawy was convicted of plotting to bomb Times Square and the New York City subway system in 2016.

Ontario judge finds Joshua Boyle not guilty of all charges

Boyle's estranged wife alleged that throughout their captivity and after their return to Canada, Boyle was physically and mentally abusive towards her.

Ten lawsuits the Liberal government and Justin Trudeau are currently involved in

The Liberals are no strangers to lawsuits and have sued or threatened to sue those who are critical of the government.

The ten craziest things Elizabeth May has said and done over the years

Elizabeth May has often been treated as the darling of the mainstream media, who are quick to overlook some of her past beliefs and controversies.

Prosecutors accuse Joshua Boyle of lying in domestic abuse case

Shortly after returning to Canada in 2017 the Boyle family met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Ex-wife of Joshua Boyle, Caitlan Coleman, tells her story

Coleman claims to have suffered from horrendous abuse at the hands of Joshua Boyle both before and after their imprisonment by a Taliban associate group.

FUREY: Trudeau stands up to Mike Pence but not China

It’s a troubling sign that Trudeau’s more willing to stand up to Pence on an issue that doesn’t involve us (or Pence) yet he’s not standing up to China as they keep up their assault on our country.

LAWTON: Hey CBC, are you kidding me?

Real Canadians stand with the Speers, even if the CBC and the Canadian left don't.

GORDON: The Trudeau government’s dictatorial tendencies

Sunny ways is really all about applying heat to force people to do what you want.

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