Source: Joe Rogan Podcast / Facebook

Renowned podcast host Joe Rogan called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a dictator and said that Canada is a communist country in a rant which has now gone viral.

Rogan made the comments on the 1844th episode of his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience that featured comedian Tom Segura. Both men discussed Canada, its Covid restrictions and Trudeau. 

“Canada’s communist… they’re f****d,” said Rogan, adding that “they got to get rid of that guy (Trudeau).”

Rogan, who previously supported socialist senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid, said he used to like Trudeau but his handling of the pandemic changed that.

Trudeau imposed strict vaccine mandates for air and rail travel that prevented most Canadians who had chosen to not take the Covid-19 vaccine from leaving the country. 

Rogan said he thought Trudeau was a “good-looking guy, confident, good talker… and then during the pandemic, I’m like, oh, you’re a f*****g dictator.” 

He also claimed Trudeau doesn’t like criticism. “You’re trying to shut down criticism by saying that all your critics are misogynists and racists.” 

Trudeau previously came under fire in January for calling unvaccinated Canadians racist and misogynistic on Quebec TV show La semaine des 4 Julie.

Rogan also criticized Canada’s border vaccine mandates, which the Trudeau government recently extended until at least September 30. 

“You can’t even get into Canada unless you’re vaccinated,” he said, calling the policy outdated. “It’s 2022. It’s not 2019,” Rogan added.

Rogan’s comments received coverage from international media including Forbes, Newsweek, The Daily Wire and Sky News Australia. Meanwhile, the clip of Rogan’s rant posted to Twitter received over 1 million views.

This is also not the first time that Rogan has criticized Trudeau. He previously said he was disgusted by Trudeau’s claim that Canadians do not have the right to use firearms to defend themselves. 

Rogan was also a supporter of the Freedom Conroy and decried Trudeau for invoking the Emergencies Act to crack down on the peaceful protesters in Ottawa, comparing his conduct to China and Russia.
