The international Jewish organization B’nai B’rith is calling on the Quebec government to press hate-related charges against former “anti-racism” federal consultant Laith Marouf.

In August, Marouf Marouf was exposed for a series of tweets in which he made antisemitic statements, saying that “Jewish White Supremacists” deserved “a bullet to the head.” 

Despite his past statements, Marouf benefited from $130,800 in contracts from the Liberal government. He was fired from his position after media reports on his views. 

In a statement published on Monday, B’nai Brith Canada demanded that Quebec presses wilful promotion of hate charges against Marouf. 

“He frequently and vulgarly bashed the world’s sole Jewish state while calling for its destruction,” wrote B’nai B’rith. 

“But Marouf’s hatred extended beyond Jews. He expressed regret that too few Americans were killed in Vietnam and denounced Canada as a racist colonialist society.”

B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn said that Marouf’s statements clearly violated Canada’s laws. 

“While we appreciate the Government’s rejection of Marouf and commitment to scrutinizing future grant-receivers, more must be done,” said Mostyn. 

“Marouf’s hateful posts against various groups based on immutable characteristics is a clear violation of the Criminal Code. We want to see him criminally charged, Canadians must forcefully reject this hate.”

According to Liberal MP Anthony Housefather, the federal government had foreknowledge about Marouf’s antisemitic views before it was reported in the media. 

“I said the contract had to be cancelled. I alerted (Diversity and Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen) and I persistently communicated with the minister in his office, from the day I learned about it, until today, and aggressively demanded that action be taken. Action could have been taken more quickly,” said Housefather.
