Source: Facebook

Western University is demanding that some job applicants submit a statement pledging allegiance to “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) and decolonization, as well as explain how they would advance the progressive ideologies if they are hired to work at the school.

True North obtained a copy of an email sent to someone who had applied for a job at the London, Ont. university. The email required a “diversity statement.”

“As part of your application, you will be asked to submit a diversity statement,” read the email from Western. “The purpose of this statement is to identify candidates who have the professional skills, experience and/or willingness to engage in activities that will advance institutional diversity and equity goals.”

“The contributions to your diversity statement should describe your past efforts, as well as future plans to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, decolonization, and accessibility.”

True North was not able to ascertain what job the applicant had applied for. It’s not clear how many positions require the diversity statement. Western University did not respond to True North’s request for comment.

The university is also asking that applicants acknowledge the past and present systemic discrimination of minority groups in academic institutions as well as in their field of study.

“Your statement should demonstrate an understanding of the barriers that exist historically for under-represented groups in higher education and/or your field.”

Lastly, candidates are asked to explain how they plan to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at Western, “including activities that they would pursue and how they would fit into your role / department.”

Then-Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship president Mark Mercer told True North in a 2023 interview that DEI statements go against diversity of opinion and send the signal that institutions are looking for propagandists instead of teachers or scholars.

“Rather than calling for applicants who work in particular fields, (a school who demands diversity statements) wants applicants who can further a social or political mission.”

Like other Canadian post-secondary institutions, Western University, which signed the BLM-inspired Scarborough Charter, has fully embraced DEI ideology. 

To run its large DEI operations, the university relies on an “associate vice president for equity diversity and inclusion,” which a True North investigation found made $257,829.99 in 2022. 

Other DEI initiatives taken on by Western include mandatory training for students on how to become “anti-racists,” staff presentations warning against supporting merit-based hiring and racial colour blindness, claiming the latter cause “microaggressions,” as well as the creation of an “anti-racism” task force that seeks to “dismantle whiteness” in academia. 
