What’s happening in Canada and around the world?

Canadians deserve answers to questions relating to Maryam Monsef’s controversy. Unfortunately, both the Liberal government and Monsef have been silent. Monsef refused to acknowledge whether or not her family was under investigation during a recent funding announcement in Peterborough.
Their silence might be due to the fact that the Trudeau government made 184 revocation decisions without legal hearings between November 2015 and the end of August, matching the total number of decisions over a 27 year period. Cases of citizenship fraud should be taken seriously, but the laws should still apply equally – even if you are a Liberal Member of Parliament.

Last week, we learned that Canada’s foreign affairs Minister, Stephanie Dion, met with his North Korean counterpart while at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations meeting a few weeks ago. The Trudeau government has attempted to restore relations with Iran, cozy up to the People’s Republic of China, and even established a new relationship with North Korea. What do these three countries all have in a common? An extensive list of proven human rights violations. Is this the new direction of Canada’s foreign affairs policy?

Last week, Immigration Minister John McCallum went with his provincial counterparts to discuss the integration of Syrian refugees. Take a look at Candice Malcolm’s column discussing the number of obstacles sponsors and refugees are facing – it’s not all roses and sunshine as the Liberal government might suggest. Believe it or not, Canada’s Immigration Minister actually admitted he had no idea how many Syrian refugees were coming to Canada. It’s no wonder that sponsors, settlement agencies, and even refugees are complaining about the lack of support they’re getting from the federal government.