Last week, Prime Minister Trudeau made international headlines for issuing a statement romanticizing Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Trudeau said he was mourning “a larger than life leader who served his people for almost half a century”. He even went as far as calling Fidel Castro a “remarkable leader”. This is simply unacceptable. Here are the facts about Fidel Castro – under Castro’s reign of terror, the Cuban people were oppressed by a violent dictatorship. Millions of Cubans were exiled, thousands were held in captivity, and hundreds were executed. Fidel Castro was a notorious human rights violator. It is shocking that Justin Trudeau would issue a statement “on behalf of all Canadians” to mourn the monster that was Fidel Castro. With Fidel Castro’s death, we celebrate with the Cuban people and hope for a freer and a democratic Cuba – Viva Cuba Libre!
It was not a good week for Prime Minister Trudeau. It was revealed last week that Prime Minister Trudeau was the top draw at a $1,500 Liberal Party cash-for-access fundraiser at the mansion of a wealthy Chinese-Canadian business executive. Furthermore, in attendance were members of the People’s Republic of China. Trudeau tried to defend himself when he was grilled about this non-ethical fundraiser by claiming this was “his way of attracting Chinese investment”. As it turns out, the only “Chinese investment” that resulted in the fundraiser was a $1 million donation to the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. It’s clear that this Liberal government is cozying up to the People’s Republic of China. Does this really come as a surprise to you? This is the same Justin Trudeau that once said he “admired China’s basic dictatorship”.

The Maryam Monsef case is far from over. Last week, Monsef was asked about her true country of birth. Monsef twice made the effort to point out that she is just an “ordinary Canadian” with an identity document issue. She reiterated that immigration official haven’t told her she’s being investigated. Unfortunately, the media failed to point out that someone who is being investigated for citizenship fraud is not notified. Furthermore, there are a number of cases similar to Monsef’s that have led to very harsh consequences – this is not a simple passport issue as Monsef claims it is. Both the mainstream media and Maryam Monsef continue to mislead Canadians about the truth.