Hockey Night in Canada host Ron MacLean kowtowed to political correctness when he painted the sport as being dominated by “white males.” On November 30th, MacLean lectured viewers about his “white privilege” and the “structural racism” in the sport. 

A few weeks ago, MacLean abandoned his former co-host Don Cherry after the mainstream media painted him as a racist for calling on all Canadians to wear the poppy on Remembrance Day. 

“As a general rule, they’re often all white and when they’re not all white, the whites often have the speaking part,” said MacLean.

“It was just a real eye-opener that I don’t recognize the structural racism or sexism.” 

After Cherry was dismissed by Sportsnet, progressive commentators have tried to paint the sport as having racist undertones and not being inclusive enough. 

CTV’s The Social host Jessica Allen responded to Cherry’s firing by referring to young hockey players as unthoughtful “white boys.” 

“They all tended to be white boys who weren’t, let’s say very nice, they were not generally thoughtful, they were often bullies. Their parents were able to afford to spend $5,000 a year on hockey,” said Allen.

Allen’s comments led to outrage among Canadians who called on Allen to be fired from the program. However, CTV addressed the comments saying that the response led to “debate and introspection.” 

Since his firing, Cherry has moved on to start his own hockey podcast called “Don Cherry’s Grapevine.” On one of the shows, Cherry spoke about the “impossible conditions” handed to him by the network in response to his comments.

“Evidently I said something and everybody knows what I said and I offered to explain, not an apology but I guess I was going to smooth it over but they made conditions that made it impossible for me to do it,” said Cherry. 

“I just couldn’t do it and I guess I bit the bullet. I don’t know what else to say, I said what I said and I still say everybody in Canada should wear a poppy.”
