The Liberal government gave away $10.5 million taxpayer dollars to climate change researchers who never delivered on their promised studies. 

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, a total of seven studies were funded by the federal government, but no reports were ever produced.

“In 2017 and 2018 seven projects were funded for which researchers did not provide reports. Hence, their status is unknown,” read the Evaluation of the Aquatic Climate Change Adaptation Services Program. 

“Under the current funding requirements there are no consequences if funded researchers do not submit reports, or reports are delayed.”

The climate change research program is costing Canadian taxpayers $3.5 million annually for studies on aquatic life and environment. 

In their report, auditors of the program noted that the resulting research of the program was “hard to find” and very few Canadians knew or even heard about its work. 

“A number of challenges impede communication with a broader audience to inform decision-making in support of adaptation efforts,” wrote the auditors. 

“Overall the Evaluation finds the program faces many challenges that are beyond its purview and control, since the program is not designed to respond to growing needs for aquatic climate change science.”

In February of this year, another report revealed that the Liberal paid millions to push their climate change narrative in the media. 

The Canadian News Media Association received $14.4 million to peddle government messaging on climate change. 

Francophone outlets also received a cut of the fund, with both the Québec Community Newspapers Association and the Association de la Presse Francophone getting $600,000 from taxpayers. 
