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OP-ED: Ford government should increase school choice in Ontario

"The Ontario government wants to promote diversity. That’s why it’s made “equity” and “inclusion” a key focus in K-12 schools. However, if Ontario wants to actually promote diversity in education, it should help increase school choice and expand the educational options available to parents."

LEVY: Toronto Catholic teacher tweets incessantly about 2SLGBTQI issues

"Paolo De Buono teaches at St. Antoine Daniel School in the Jane and Wilson Ave. area of Toronto. His Twitter feeds suggest he spends far more time tweeting about LGBT and trans issues than teaching students."

OP-ED: Parents should be able to opt out of ‘woke’ schools

"This is why school choice is more important than ever. If public schools are going to subject students to woke ideology, parents should be able to send their children elsewhere."

Ottawa public school official claims Jesus was a drag queen 

Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) "Trans and Gender Diverse Student Support Coordinator" Sara Savoia claimed on Good Friday that Jesus Christ was a drag queen who tells stories to children. 

LEVY: Common sense labelled “unsafe” by radical school board

"All parent Nick Morabito wanted to do when he appeared before the Ottawa Carleton District School board was to express concern about teen boys who identify as female sharing an unsupervised non-gendered washroom with adolescent girls."

Ontario’s $205 billion budget spends big on infrastructure, healthcare and schools

The Progressive Conservative government hopes to have that deficit turn into a $200 million surplus by the end of 2025, followed by a $4.4 billion surplus in the next year. 

LEVY: School board shells out for race grifter while failing to address safety concerns

An American professor and race-based activist was hired to deliver her schtick on the “Archaeology of Self” to interested Toronto District School Board (TDSB) elementary and high school students, parents and staff Tuesday.

BC pharmacist suspended for faking Covid vaccination to avoid mandates

Under the threat of losing his job for failing to comply with Covid-19 vaccine mandates and the plethora of other restrictions placed on the unvaccinated, a British Columbia pharmacist faked his vaccination records and has now paid the price in the form of a suspension.

Liberal MP says she’s safe from Chinese interference because she’s “white and Dutch”

A crowd in Victoria, British Columbia attacked police officers and stabbed them with a needle while the officers attempted to resuscitate an overdose victim.

LEVY: Halton board had until March 1 to come up with dress code –...

Halton District School Board education director Curtis Ennis was told to come up with a staff dress code policy by March 1.

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