
freedom convoy - search results

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Ethics commissioner says senator’s pro-Freedom Convoy rant broke rules, despite apology

After a year-long investigation, the Senate ethics watchdog has found Conservative Senator Micheal MacDonald violated ethics rules by making a slew of candid comments about the Freedom Convoy and Ottawa bureaucrats, which were filmed by a live streamer.

Windsor officer appeals disciplinary conviction for supporting Freedom Convoy

A Windsor police officer who was found guilty of discreditable conduct for donating $50 to the Freedom Convoy is appealing the Windsor Police Service Discipline Hearing decision and the subsequent penalty with the Ontario Civilian Police Commission.

Freedom Convoy trucker released on bail without conditions, will return to court in June 

Freedom Convoy trucker Harold Jonker has been released on bail without conditions and will return to court in Ottawa on June 7.

Freedom Convoy trucker faces four criminal charges

A Freedom Convoy trucker has been told to turn himself in to the Ottawa Police Service as he awaits four criminal charges.

Nearly all BC MLAs vote to condemn Freedom Convoy, praise vaccine mandates

The motion received 64 yeas and 1 nay from lone BC Conservative John Rustad. 20 MLAs skipped the vote, including both BC Green Party members.

Freedom Convoy protester acquitted of all charges

A court case related to the Ottawa police's investigation into a child's wagon carrying jerry cans to help fuel Freedom Convoy protestors last year has resulted in the accused, Allen Remley, being acquitted of all charges of mischief and obstruction of police. 

Fake News Friday | Legacy media pushed fake news about Freedom Convoy

On deck this week, Andrew and Harrison look into the fake news that the legacy media was deliberately pushing disinformation about the Freedom Convoy that escalated the situation. Tune in to Fake News Friday!

Legacy media amplified fake news about Freedom Convoy: commissioner

Legacy media outlets amplified disinformation about Freedom Convoy protesters last year, according to Public Order Emergency Commissioner Paul Rouleau’s report assessing the federal government’s use of the Emergencies Act. 

BC NDP MLA motion denounces Freedom Convoy on one year anniversary

On the one year anniversary of the Freedom Convoy, an NDP MP’s private member’s motion before the British Columbia Legislative Assembly calls on lawmakers to condemn the movement and affirm the use of vaccine mandates during the Covid-19 response.

Half of Canadians say Freedom Convoy was threat to national security: poll

The Angus Reid poll released on Thursday shows 51% of Canadian respondents said Freedom Convoy protests posed a threat of espionage, sabotage, foreign influence, serious violence, or an overthrow of the Canadian government.

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