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Leaving the Left, identity politics & more – a discussion with Candice Malcolm and...

Learn more about True North's newest fellow Lindsay Shepherd in this exclusive interview!

MALCOLM: Are your taxes going to fund terrorism?

True North's founder Candice Malcolm says Canadians need to think twice about foreign aid.

SHEPHERD: 5 cases of monuments removed & places renamed in 2019

Lindsay Shepherd reviews the five most contentious cases of monuments being removed and places being renamed in 2019.

FUREY: A Decade in Review – Climate Change

The discussion surrounding climate change has radically changed and climate alarmism is on the rise.

FUREY: Yes, Trudeau still plans on regulating the internet

True North's Anthony Furey says if the government goes forward with this, they need to 100% clear with Canadians.

FUREY: Justin Trudeau is no longer running the country

Congratulations to Justin Trudeau's semi-retirement!

Atheist “church” denied charitable status, does not qualify as a real religion

"It did not demonstrate that its belief system is based on a particular and comprehensive system of doctrine and observances," Justice Marianne Rivoalen said.

The Candice Malcolm Show: Trump calls Trudeau two-faced (because he is)

Tune in for the latest episode of The Candice Malcolm Show!

LAWTON: Lawton and True North: 1. Canada: 0

I never thought I’d wind up in a battle against my own country, but for what it’s worth, they started it. We finished it.

Getting True North on the Liberal Media Bus: A Primer

Everything you need to know about True North and the saga of getting Andrew Lawton on the Bus.

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