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Manitoba dropping vaccine passports and mask mandates

Manitoba is joining Alberta, Saskatchewan and Prince Edward Island in dropping its vaccine passports and mask mandate.

Ford declares state of emergency in Ontario

Premier Doug Ford has declared a state of emergency in the province of Ontario in response to the ongoing Truckers for Freedom protests taking place in Ottawa and along the Canada-US border. 

Gerald Butts threatens to sue Jordan Peterson, Peterson says bring it

After trading barbs on Twitter for three days, prominent psychologist and author Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has told Trudeau crony Gerald Butts to go ahead and try to sue him for defamation. 

Another Liberal MP speaks out against Trudeau’s pandemic response 

The day after Quebec Liberal MP Joel Lightbound broke rank with his own government over its handling of COVID-19, Liberal MP Yves Robillard is also raising questions about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to the pandemic. 

Ottawa police call child services, have not ruled out removing truckers’ children

According to estimates, over 100 truckers brought their children along for the demonstrations. Children’s Aid Society was called in to advise officers on how to handle the situation as the city prepares a crackdown on the peaceful protestors.

Left-wing causes in Canada show plenty of US funding and resources 

Although fully aware of US interference in Canada’s affairs in these situations, the media and Liberals have had no apparent problem with foreign funding, likely because that foreign support backed their own agenda. 

Jordan Peterson slams Gerald Butts as a “stunningly corrupt and incendiary fool”

Acclaimed author and psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Trudeau crony Gerald Butts engaged in a battle of threats Sunday on Twitter after Butts made unsubstantiated claims about the Conservative Party of Canada.

Jordan Peterson blasts CBC as “appallingly corrupt, ideologically warped”

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson made the comments during an episode of his podcast with guest Dr. Julie Ponesse. He said the public broadcaster should no longer receive any public funding due to its “appallingly corrupt” practices. 

Pierre Poilievre announces Conservative leadership campaign

Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre has launched a campaign for the Conservative leadership. In a video posted Saturday evening, Poilievre announced his intent to become his...

FAULKNER: Where is this violent occupation the media keeps warning us about?

True North asked protesters in Ottawa if anyone had seen any acts of violence.

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