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Canada outlier among 51 nations that have provided tax relief as inflation surges

Canada remains a global outlier when it comes to providing tax relief for its citizens at a time of surging inflation.

NOT A JOKE: On April 1st, taxes on gasoline and alcohol increase, MPs get...

Canadians may think it is some sick April Fool’s Day prank, but taxpayers can expect to pay more at the gas pumps and for alcohol on Friday, while politicians in Ottawa give themselves a hefty pay raise. 

GUEST OP-ED: Liberal-NDP deal will mean major tax hikes

"Now that the years-long Liberal-NDP courtship has turned official, Canadians should brace themselves for an unwelcome raft of higher taxes and unsustainable spending."

Alberta government cuts taxes on fuel 

Kenney said that stopping the provincial fuel tax “puts money back in the pockets of Albertans when they need it most.”

Carbon tax going up on April 1 despite record gas prices

Canadians can expect even higher prices at the pumps once the Trudeau government moves ahead with its planned carbon tax hike on April 1. 

Taxpayer watchdog calls for Trudeau to cut taxes to fight inflation

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is telling the Canadian government to follow the lead of other countries who have lowered taxes to combat inflation. 

A Christmas wish list for taxpayers

Franco Terrazzano of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation put together a wish list for taxpayers with a dozen items ranging from ending the gas tax-on-tax to ending automatic pay increases for members of parliament. He joined The Andrew Lawton Show to discuss his list.

TERRAZZANO: High gas taxes make high gas prices more painful

"If politicians truly want to improve affordability, then they should provide relief at the pumps by lowering gas taxes and scrapping the carbon tax."

Doug Ford says high gas prices “just the beginning” due to carbon tax

“The carbon tax is the single worst tax on the backs of Canadians that’s ever existed. It’s driving up the cost of groceries, it’s driving up the cost of us getting from point A to point B, driving your kids to work, I have fought this day in and day out," Ford said.

Taxpayers group claims carbon taxes are contributing to soaring gas prices

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is raising the alarm about the high gas prices at the pumps and how the carbon tax is making things worse for Canadians. 

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