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Trudeau’s online censorship law, Bill C-11, passes parliament

Bill C-11, which updates Canada’s Broadcasting Act, will subject digital content creators to regulation by the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission.

Liberals move to censor debate on internet censorship law, Bill C-11

On Thursday, the Liberal government struck down debate in the House of Commons on Bill C-11 to ram the legislation through parliament. 

Senator says Bill C-11 will create “public relations nightmare” for Liberals

A senator behind amendments to Bill C-11, which aimed to protect user-generated content, says if the internet censorship law passes, it would lead to a “public relations nightmare” for the federal government. 

Liberals reject online user content protections for Bill C-11

The Liberal government has rejected a Senate amendment to Bill C-11, dubbed the Trudeau government’s online censorship law, which would protect the social media content posted online by Canadians from falling under government regulations. 

Controversial Bill C-11 passes through Senate

The Liberal government’s controversial “Online Streaming Bill” has passed through the Senate.

Canadian cartoonist exhibit cost taxpayers $15,799

The cartoonist behind "For Better or For Worse" Lynn Johnston received more than $15,000 from the Mission Cultural Fund, according to a blog post issued by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation on Friday.

Ford stands his ground amid fake news narrative

It's Fake News Friday on The Candice Malcolm Show! This week, the legacy media went after Ontario Premier Doug Ford for making “anti-immigrant” comments, when in reality he was complimenting new Canadians and talking about work shortages and the need for more immigrants in the province.

MALCOLM: Fair coverage of the Conservative leadership is missing

The Independent Press Gallery will host the final Conservative Party leadership debate this Wednesday, July 29 in Toronto.

FUREY: Will the woke mob listen to their elders?

True North's Anthony Furey asks will the woke mob actually listen to their elders or do they think they know better?

SHEPHERD: A mandatory high school English class that studies only indigenous authors?

That doesn’t sound like a “celebration of diversity.”

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