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Ottawa Police provided list of convoy fundraisers to federal bank

According to new Access to Information records, police created a list of fundraisers linked to the Freedom Convoy. Names and credit ratings were sent to Farm Credit Canada.

Joe Rogan calls Trudeau a dictator, says Canada is a communist country

Renowned podcast host Joe Rogan called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a dictator and said that Canada is a communist country in a rant which has now gone viral.

PECKFORD: A Magna Carta for Canada

Former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford, the last surviving first minister from the constitutional process that gave us the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, spoke at the George Jonas Freedom Award dinner in Burnaby, British Columbia on July 13, 2022

Trudeau called ‘traitor’ by so-called “admirers” in Alberta

Did you hear? The prime minister (Dear Leader) was mobbed by a group of so-called “admirers” while he was in Calgary for the Stampede! …At least that’s what the legacy media was telling Canadians. Tune into Ratio’d with Harrison Faulkner!

Over 60% of Canadians say Trudeau is divisive, many want him to resign

The majority of Canadians say Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a divisive leader and many want him to resign, according to a new Postmedia-Leger poll.

Conservatives call on privacy watchdog to investigate convoy account freezing

The Conservatives are demanding that the federal privacy watchdog investigate the Liberal government’s decision to freeze the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protestors. 

GUEST OP-ED: Canada’s eroding democracy under Trudeau’s watch

"For those who follow the day-to-day of Canadian politics, it's especially clear now why our performance on democratic accountability has dropped since Trudeau took office."

Veteran James Topp arrives in Ottawa after 4000km protest march across Canada

Canadian Armed Forces Veteran James Topp arrived at the National War Memorial in Ottawa Thursday evening, ending his 4000 km march across Canada.

Candice Bergen pushes back against media misinformation about convoy

In an interview on CTV’s Question Period with Evan Solomon, Conservative interim leader Candice Bergen challenged the legacy media’s claims about the Freedom Convoy. 

Organization calling for strong police response to upcoming freedom events also wants police defunded

Horizon Ottawa, a progressive organization that lobbies for left-leaning municipal policies, is calling for a strong police response to upcoming freedom events in the nation’s capital – while also supporting the Defund the Police movement.

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