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Stephen Harper would oppose Jean Charest’s leadership run: sources

Sources close to former prime minister Stephen Harper have said that if former Quebec premier Jean Charest runs for leadership of the Conservative Party, Harper will use his influence to keep Charest from winning.

Trudeau government says $20 donation to convoy enough to freeze account

Banks across Canada have frozen Canadians’ accounts to the tune of nearly $8 million after the Trudeau government ordered a crackdown on the freedom convoy’s financial support. 

Ottawa councillors want no vehicles on Wellington Street after convoy

After complaining about the obstructions and gridlock Freedom Convoy protesters caused on Wellington Street over three weeks, some Ottawa city councillors now want to see the parts of Parliament Hill’s main thoroughfare closed to vehicles altogether.

Texas congressman Crenshaw calls Trudeau dangerous, invites truckers to US

“Justin Trudeau is living proof that annoying-but-harmless wokeism can quickly evolve into dangerous authoritarianism,” said Crenshaw in a tweet on Monday. “Never underestimate the force with which the self-righteous will act to suppress the freedom of others, especially under the guise of compassion.” 

Unreal use of propaganda in Canada

Despite the brutal crackdown in Ottawa (including against journalists) and Trudeau’s best attempts to shut down political dissidence, the freedom convoy lives on! Tune into The Candice Malcolm Show.

Liberal MP says trucker slogan “honk honk” is code for “heil Hitler”

Toronto Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks claimed during a parliamentary debate that the freedom convoy’s trucker-horn slogan “honk honk” is actually an acronym-style codeword for the Nazi salute “heil Hitler.” 

Romanian parliamentarian calls Trudeau “tyrant” and “dictator” over Ottawa crackdown

"The prime minister of Canada, the way he’s behaving right now – he’s exactly like a tyrant, like a dictator. He’s like Ceaușescu in Romania," said Terheș.

Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

Ontario Court Justice Julie Bourgeois made the ruling in Ottawa on Tuesday, saying she believes Tamara Lich would reoffend if released.

LEVY: Legacy media lapdogs have done Trudeau proud

"I feel incredibly saddened that a craft that I have been passionate about for more than 31 years has become so incredibly devoid of fact-gathering."

U.S. Congresswoman supports asylum for Canadian convoy supporters 

Republican congresswoman Yvette Herrell has announced she will be putting forth a bill to provide political asylum to “innocent Canadian protestors who are being persecuted by their own government.” 

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