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BC inquiry into “rise of hate” during pandemic will cost over $200,000

According to BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner, the public inquiry will span two fiscal years, with approximately $200,000 allocated for the first year. No cost estimate was provided for the second year

CBC picked by Facebook to “fact-check” competing outlets during 2021 election

The decision to pick CBC was made despite the fact that the state broadcaster has been responsible for several instances where Canadians were misinformed due to their reporting.

Canadians blame Liberals for failed pandemic border policy: government-commissioned survey

The government instituted COVID-19 travel bans too late and Canadians hold them responsible, according to a survey commissioned by the federal government.

What’s going on with Canada’s pastors and churches?

In the last couple of months, five pastors have been either arrested or charged for holding church services and not enforcing masks, social distancing or attendance caps.

Anti-hate activist forced to apologize to Rebel News for false allegations

A deputy director with the Canadian Anti-Hate Network issued a public apology for falsely claiming that Rebel News had incited the March 2019 Christchurch mass shooting.

More red ink from Ottawa won’t solve our economic woes

Franco Terrazzano and Jay Goldberg of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation says if the feds want to help Canadians, they should toss aside their single-minded spend and borrow approach.

FACT CHECK: Trudeau falsely claimed Harper cut support during 2008 recession

A True North review of federal spending programs from 2008 and 2009 found Trudeau’s statement to be misleading.

Five priests, two nuns kidnapped in Haiti

Five Roman Catholic priests and two nuns have been kidnapped in Haiti and are currently held for a US$1 million ransom.

Tucker Carlson compares Trudeau to Mussolini, slams COVID-19 isolation facilities

"This is Justin Trudeau's Canada. It's funny – Trudeau always seemed like a cheerful idiot: wearing weird costumes and yammering on about diversity. Who knew he was Mussolini?"

Literacy “critically important” during pandemic: Frontier College

The national charitable literacy organization Frontier College is sounding the alarm about the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on literacy skills and learning in Canada.

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